




Undoubtedly, Auckland  not only possesses the greatest importance in the strategic economic development but also in its overall contribution to the GDP growth of New Zealand. As thirty two percent (almost one third) of the total population of New Zealand resides in Auckland and also it has always been a center of attraction for both the local and the Central Government of New Zealand. The total population of Auckland is 1,418,000 and it is growing rapidly with the passage of time. There is an estimate that by the end of 2043, another million people would be added in the population to live in the city. Keeping in view the fact that accommodation is already in little supply which is actually aggravated by a deficiency of development for the duration of the problematic economic environment of the past five years. Therefore, the residential property market has responded consequently and certainly that is why a primary emphasis of both local and central Governments now is the housing affordability in Auckland.