





Geo blocking is a healthy idea as it adds value to the product and blocks the possibility for shoppers to purchase it at a lower price. There are restrictions imposed by the internet service provider (Dalley, 2014). The problem with this thought is that buyers are encouraged to spend more on a product and this will increase the profitability of publisher to a greater extent. Though this is a common problem in Australia, other service providers such as Netflix and Hulu grant access to such products. As a result, copyright infringement continues to exist.

It is essential to pass a common law that follows similar prices and access policies so that the consumers do not face troubles during the purchases. It is accepted if customers utilize VPNs in order to gain access to media, movies and TV that are not public (Dalley, 2014). Still, this procedure is not applicable at all times as there is a possibility for distribution of pirated content that will likely cause the customers to purchase without understanding of copyright laws. The need for protection of contents in music industry increases year by year with new media platforms arising to promote the copyrighted content in different manner.