








Real issues in society is deciding what is the right moral path and what attributes are considered to be wrong. In many cases, these are clearly defined. There is a clear wrong and right and hence choosing the right moral ethical pathway is not difficult. However, it has been observed that in the cases of abortion, there is a confusion as to what is right or wrong. Ethics in abortion has always been a contentious issue in the society. Health of the mother including the physical and the emotional well being of the mother has been factored in while considering the notions of abortion. The fetus has been considered as an innocent human being who is brutally murdered by the pro life proponents. There are many dimensions to this notion. Pro life or pro choice is the issue that has been widely discussed in the current times and this aspect has been probed in detail in this analysis.

After reading a wide variety of literature and looking into the various facets, I would argue a pro choice stand as the permissible moral path that is required in the societies. It is not known that life would be at inception or after a certain time.

Legal Framework

In the United States, abortion was banned in early 1900. It was only after the case or Roe v. Wade abortion was made permissible in the United States. In the case of Roe v Wade, the courts ruled that abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy is allowed. Women should make decisions based on the health of the mother. The basis for the legal argument presented by the courts was the constitution and basic human rights considerations for the women. In 2003 Bush administration signed the partial abortion law that made abortions illegal in the late term conditions. In 2007, the case of Gonzalez v Carhart ruled in favor of this law. Then came the enactment of the ultrasound law where women should look at the ultrasound before making the decision to abort the child. Fetal pain laws have been enacted in many states. It contends that the fetus can feel pain from early 20 weeks onward.

Interpretation of the laws regarding abortion has been widely confusing to the people. But the guidelines are clear to make individual choices regarding abortion. There are many stands that have been taken and the opposing stand taken by the people are exaggerated. According to the law, abortion is a widely debated issue and a strong stand for abortion and related cases are yet to be taken.