


德国人更喜欢独立的方式来进行跨大西洋协会。美国国家安全局丑闻导致对美国领导层的支持减少,聘请BND员工窥视政府是这方面的重要贡献者。在9/11袭击美国之后,布什政府发表了一项声明,要求各国既可以与美国在一起,也可以与恐怖分子在一起。格哈德施罗德没有积极接受这一点,德国也没有参与入侵伊拉克(Pogunkte和Von Dem Berge,2015)。安格拉·默克尔政府没有投票强制实施利比亚禁飞区,该禁飞区是为了防止卡扎菲使用其正规部队对付平民而发起的。

政治举措的后果是显而易见的。过去,与美国,以色列和法国等西方国家的战略合作关系,目前与金砖四国,澳大利亚,南非,阿联酋,越南和印度尼西亚等新兴国家建立了伙伴关系。中国被认为是Gestaltungsmachtekonzept的重要合作伙伴(该战略涉及与重要新兴大国的合作,旨在塑造超越传统大西洋和欧洲承诺的新世界秩序),排名第三,成为继欧盟和美国之后的经济伙伴。 (泰勒和弗朗西斯,2017)。问题是使德国依赖国外市场的战略。互联网的控制将导致经济全球化的风险。


The Germans prefer an independent approach for translantic associations. The NSA scandal resulted in reduced support for US leadership and hiring of a BND employee to spy on the government was a significant contributor in this regard. Following the 9/11 attacks on the US, the Bush administration made a declaration specifying the countries can either be with the US or with the terrorists. This was not positively received by Gerhard Schroder and Germany did not participate in the invasion of Iraq (Pogunkte and Von Dem Berge, 2015). The Angela Merkel government did not vote to impose the Libyan no fly zone initiated for preventing Muammar Gaddafi from the use of his regular forces against civilians.

The consequences of the political initiatives were obvious. In the past, the strategic partnerships were with western nations like US, Israel and France, currently partnerships were forged with the emerging nations like BRIC, Australia, South Africa, UAE, Vietnam and Indonesia. China is noted as a significant partner for Gestaltungsmachtekonzept (the expression for the strategy that relates to the cooperation with significant emerging powers with a purpose of shaping a new world order that transcends traditional Atlantic and European commitments) ranking third as economic partner following EU and US (Taylor and Francis, 2017). The problem is the strategy that makes Germany dependent on the foreign markets. Control on the internet would result in risking the economic globalisation.