




The viewer who views this movie understands the different styles of movie making. Hollywood movies do not use vibrant colors and not all movies are musicals. This movie had a distinctive Indian style of presenting. This was a treat to the people around the world. They were able to understand the significance and the entertainment values of such movies. This movie had a global appeal and it proves that a good entertaining movie is appreciated by people around the world irrespective of the difference in culture and ethnicity. More such transnational movies will happen because of the successful ventures like this movie. Movies like this embody the different cultures and help the people in becoming more tolerant. Wagner, (2011) critically analyzes how movies like ‘Bride and Prejudice’ actually have two marketing opportunities. One is that they sell a variant of a time version, and the second is that they present an amalgamation of culture. In the context of this research essay’s discussions on the theorizing of ethnicity in transnational screen productions, it can be said that movies such as ‘Bride and Prejudice’ and the ‘Kung Fu Hustle’ are actually quite radical. They have not followed a conservative approach and it can be said that the making of the movie and distributions did garner a certain amount of risk. However the success that these movies seemed to attract presents much futuristic opportunities for the growth of the transnational screen production and the elements of ethnic representations in such movies.