




When homework is provided to the students, the flipped classroom conception becomes even more favorable. This is because doing homework requires access to several lectures and classroom material. Flipped classroom through use of technology provides students access to different lecture materials and provides them the ability to switch between lectures as well (Bozalek, 2013). Students get the opportunity to watch lectures in recorded video through the medium of media like YouTube before the class. While in their classroom, students have the ability to finish their projects and works provided to them as homework in the form of work sheets, lab reports, or review questions (Talley, 2013). When there is use of flipped classroom, students are allowed to research the introduced concepts while using the video lecture in a manner that involves a higher comfort level. Flipped classroom offers comfort because it allows features such as independent reading or group work, while maintaining key focus to gain present knowledge, to foster collaboratively (Talley, 2013).