


There is a lot of symbolism and metaphor in Raising Arizona. The couple had good intentions but wrong actions. Their undesirable desire made them do stupid thing. Throughout the film, H.I. tries to lead a ‘normal’ life, trying to stay away from trouble, giving up his criminal life. The biker is symbolic for he represents H.I.’s fears and the evil that is unleashed after kidnapping. H.I.’s prison buddies are the true evil in the movie.
Leonard Small is a significant characteristic in the movie. He symbolizes H.I.’s alter ego, his fears and a figure from his criminal past. There is some powerful link between the two. H.I. literally destroys his demons when he kills Small. When Ed and hi chose to separate, it focused on issues in marriage and relationship and how adversities lead to separation. Only after Nathan Sr. counseling, the couple reconcile. Prison is analogous to mother’s womb in the film. Gale and Evelle were just not prepared to come out of it and face the world. The film ends on a positive note. H.I. is hopeful and optimistic about his relationship with Ed.
Coen brothers created an artificial world which was wacky yet believable. The film looked like a play and seemed to be shot on theatre stage. Humor is very important in the film. Artificial world and humor compliment each other. The dialogues are comical and are carefully written. The conversations in the film are dramatic. It is a movie that best represents American spirit.
Raising Arizona is a hilarious take on life, relationship, friendship, parenthood. It is a movie that focuses on how desires sometimes lead to adverse consequences. It is a film that is full of emotions. The characters go through series of intense emotions ranging from love to fear. On learning about her infertility, Ed moves into aggravated state of depression. He feels helpless and vulnerable. The couple experiences highs and lows in their relationship. They begin their lives afresh after getting married. They stand by each other through thick and thin. The baby completes them and gives them a new hope. The family unit experiences unfortunate events and returns the baby to his family. The film teaches important lessons about life. In the end, the film is positive about life and marriage. The film teaches its viewers that things change for the better and one should never lose hope in life.