


绩效管理涉及目标设定,奖励制度和绩效评估的实践和技巧。工作场所技术对绩效管理实践是否需要以实体或组织为基础有影响。虽然技术相互依赖性很差,为个人工作提出了工作要求,但目标设定,绩效考核和奖励制度要求针对个人的工作行为。另一方面,员工参与Mediaworks决定了绩效管理实践的特点。业务战略描述了组织为了获利而进行竞争所需的目标和目标。目标设定以各种方式影响绩效,与个人思考和激励个人完成困难目标有关(Van Dooren,Bouckaert&Halligan,2015)。另一方面,奖励制度是对工人进步和工作组表现的有影响的激励。绩效评估是针对一些原则进行的,包括积极行动和晋升决定。


Performance management involves practices and techniques for goal setting, reward systems and performance appraisals. Workplace technology has an effect on whether performance management practices require to be based on the entity or the group. While technology is stumpy in interdependence and work is proposed for individual work, goal setting, performance appraisal and reward systems require to be intended at individual work behaviours. On the other hand, employee involvement in Mediaworks determines the characteristics of performance management practices. Business strategy describes the aims and objectives that are required for an organization to compete profitably. Goal setting influences performance in various ways that are related what individuals think and motivate individuals to accomplish difficult objectives (Van Dooren, Bouckaert & Halligan, 2015). On the other hand, reward systems are influential incentives for progressing worker and work group performance. Performance appraisals are carried out for a number of principles, comprising positive action and promotion decisions.