代寫論文 價格-健康報告反映的問題


本篇文章主要講健康報告反映的問題,在科學技術方面,英國政府一直致力於建立基於健康的正確的消費限制。截至2015年,英國營養科學諮詢委員會提交了一份諮詢委員會報告。他們的報告證實,糖的消耗、碳水化合物和健康之間有著密切的聯繫。這份詳細的報告利用了多個行業出版物和研究成果,展示了高糖軟飲料是如何在晚年導致齲齒、體重增加和2型糖尿病的。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In terms of science and technology, the UK government has always strived to establish the right consumption limit based on health. As of 2015, an advisory committee report was submitted by the UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Their report established that there was a strong association between sugary consumptions, carbohydrates and health. The detailed report made use of multiple industry publications and research to show how soft drinks high in sugar lead to dental caries, weight gain and type 2 diabetes in later life.
It was in the recommendation of these publications that the tax proposal was formed. The tax proposal carries specific budgeting orders to be applicable on those soft drink companies that indulged in high sugar in their drinks. Public Health England and the UK House of parliament proposed the tax ban on sugary health drinks. Taxes on sugary soft drinks consumption are not exactly new. Similar laws have been introduced in Mexico, France, and Hungary etc. UK proposes to implement a three-tier layer of tac for ensuring that soft drink industry has strict low sugar alternatives, portion sizes and more. The tax levy would most probably be passed in the year 2018.
The economic recession of the last decade had an impact on all industries within the EU of which UK was still a part of around the time reduced much of the consumer spending in the country. Now although this situation has improved significantly, it could be said consumer spending has seen much changes in the last decade. Non-essential goods are still being brought after complete scrutiny. An economic factor that was directly affected by the recessions and took some time in recovery is that of the export import and exchange rates. Multi-national soft drink retailers were affected by this impact more than the local retailers.