代寫論文 價格-謀殺案闡述的問題


本文的內容是謀殺案闡述的問題,預言的死亡編年史是關於聖地亞哥·納薩爾被謀殺的。一名男子被發現返回27年前發生聖地亞哥謀殺案的城鎮。對導致他死亡的事件作了詳細的描述。它還記錄了一些人物和他們死後的生活。謀殺發生在安吉拉·維薩里奧新婚之夜,她的丈夫發現她已經失去了貞操。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The Chronicles of a Death Foretold is about the murder of Santiago Nasar. A man was found to return to a town where a murder of Santiago had occurred 27 years earlier. The events that had caused his death were described in detail. It also chronicled some of the character and their life after his death. The murder happened on the wedding night of Angela Vicario when her husband discovered that she had already lost her virginity.
She confessed of her prior relationship with Santiago Nasar. This confession occurred in front of her family and there were many suspects who openly stated that they wanted to kill Santiago Nasar. There were many people who were aware of the plausible death threat yet no one intervened. In this process, the entire society was eventually put on trial for murder. The theory that would analysed is the bias of patriarchy and power in a society. The innate humanity is overlooked in the process of maintaining morality. Nevertheless, the so-called morality is in favour of the powerful in the society. The different sides of this notion are analyzed in this analysis.
In these lines, patriarchy is exposed by Márquez. “The boys were brought up to be men. The girls had been reared to get married. They know how to do screen embroidery, sew by machines, weave bone lace, was and iron, make artificial flowers and fancy candy and write engagement announcements” (Márquez 31)
The ways in which the men and the women were differentiated by the people in the society and their roles in the system has been detailed. One of the most important aspect of this line is that it shows the clear standard of differentiation and the innate sense of male domination in these lines. In the statement, it states that “reared to be married”, which implicitly invokes the purpose of the life of a woman and her role in the society. The women role in the society is diminished in this one statement. It creates a system where the entire point of a woman’s life is to get married and be a slave to the rules of the society. The notion of a morale woman and an ethical woman is focused on this particular statement. This is innate patriarchy and chauvinism that has been thrusted into the lives of the woman. The women are expected to follow these mandates as an effort to remain ethical in the society.