


管理是现代社会的一个重要术语。管理已经发展成为一个非常先进的阶段,称为科学管理的千年。科学管理主要包括在任何组织中运用科学方法和方法管理、控制和实施商业运作,包括为实现商业目标而作出的决策。弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒(Frederick Winslow Taylor)也被称为科学管理之父,他开创了科学管理的道路,以确保组织中的高盈利能力和生产率。1911年,泰勒出版了自己的著作《科学管理原则》,他将四个主要原则作为科学管理的基础。1912年,泰勒还在众议院提出了他的科学管理原则。他通过用科学方法来代替古老的“拇指规则方法”(Waring,2016年)来改变组织的变化。


Management is an important term in modern world. Management has evolved into a much advanced stage which is called scientific management over the millennium. Scientific management primarily consists of application of scientific methods and approaches in managing, controlling and carrying out business operations in any organisation including decision making for achieving business objectives. Frederick Winslow Taylor, also called the father of scientific management, pioneered the path of scientific management to ensure high profitability and productivity in organisations. In 1911, Taylor published his own book entitled Principles of Scientific Management, where he denoted four main principles as the foundation of scientific management. In 1912, Taylor also presented his scientific management principles at the House of Representatives. He put his best endeavour to bring change in the organisations by replacing the age-old “thumb-rule method” by scientific approaches in management processes (Waring, 2016).