




From my teacher, I got an emotional letter. There was explanation of how proud he felt by the letter and how he hopes I can create changes. There was a lot of advice from my teacher about the ways to help people and the community. It was an inspiring letter that had a lot of anecdotal quotes from the influential leaders. I could understand that the teacher still wanted to teach me a lot about the world. Being a true teacher, that spirit of teaching was found even in the personal letter. The teacher wanted me to achieve a lot more and also help the community in the process. The personality of the teacher and his teaching style was reflected in the response that was received from the teacher. There was a personable and a more open style. The teacher also discussed in the letter about the issues of nepotism, stereotypes and bias should be abolished in the classroom. I could tell he was discussing about some issues that I was not fully aware. Nevertheless, there was a sense of teaching commitment that was observed in the letter. The teacher wanted me to be a socially conscious individual who also was successful in the real world. At the end of the letter, the teacher stated that this letter lifted his spirits as he was having a really bad week teaching. It was a quite long letter that made me very happy.