




In the present world 99 percent of the world population has television sets. It is assumed that the people have more television sets then the telephones. More than half of the children can get access to television even in their own rooms. Most of the families do not investigate what their children are watching. From the early age, they are open to the watch any kind of programs they wish to without any kind of supervision by their parents (Buckingham& Willett, 2013). Television and Media has truly added the violent behavior among children. It has also been found that on an average, children watches television for more than 30 hours in a week. This is even higher than the time that is spend by them during school.  It has been observed that a child on an average watches over 200,000 acts of violence, 16000 murders on an average before the age of 18. It has been found that the episodes displayed on the television consist of around 812 scenes of violence every hour. Even the programs that are been dedicated to children are displayed 20 acts of violence every hour.