





Compared against Japan, in the case of Hong Kong, by regulation itself some amount of control exists. In comparison to the regulations and control of media in Japan, Hong Kong has a special ordinance that seeks to check any form of public speech during the time of an emergency. The ordinance in question is The Emergency Regulations Ordinance (Cap 241). During an emergency situation in the country, this ordinance would be made use of to govern people by regulating the media with some stricter control. What it essentially was intended to is to avoid panic situations and bring riots under better control. The Chief Executive in Council will be able to directly exercise his power in order to control or suppress those publications, which he believes are standing in the way of the Government during the emergency control procedures.

They can arrest people, exclude them or deport people from the media business as they see fit. In addition, there is now a belief that the more the power of the PRC grows over the administrative region of Hong Kong, the more the media control is exercised in the country. Similar to Japan, even in HK, some amount of media accepts this silencing. The reason was that much of media organizations in Hong Kong are owned by business tycoons and they do not want to lose out in terms of advertising revenue that they would get from Chinese companies. For instance, journalists are made to accept “that journalism as a profession is now more beholden to special interests than they are the public interest. Even journalists who work for genuinely politically independent commercial papers are pressured to appeal to consumer’s lower viscera, on the way to their wallet”.