




By analyzing the editorials in the “Global Times from January 1,2013, to December 31,2013, we can make the following conclusions:There are nationalistic tendencies present in the “Global Editorials” about international issues. This newsroom expresses more nationalism by accusing other states and praising China and showing more nationalistic tendencies on international topics than on domestic issues. H1 and H2 have been proved. By the way of commercialising nationalism and finding a smart editorial strategy that easily combines national interest where nationalism is safe and sellable, with media interest through sensational political tabloid, competing with the China Daily and reader interest, the Chinese nationalism is raised.The limitations of the study are that it is only focused on editorials in terms of different levels of nationalism between domestic issues and international issues and did not conduct a discourse analysis to look at the specific presence of nationalism in Global Times news pieces, such as tone, frame, and boundaries, among other elements. Future studies could conduct a qualitative analysis on certain international affairs covered by the Global Times and make a comparison with other Chinese media. A study with a built-in experiment is also suggested as it will be interesting to test whether the nationalism tendency could influence audience opinion.