




In this study our main objective was to study the potential causes creating troubled water conditions and secondly, discovering the methods and techniques that can be useful in bridging over the troubled water. I went through the novel and advanced methods of water purification and recycling with reference to chemical engineering like Denutritor, desalting techniques such as gravity settling, Capacitive Deionization, reverse osmosis and Multifold water softening methods which are employed for rapid observation of microbial films (Savage, 2009). In addition to it we have discovered numerous onsite authenticate knowledge and handling outline. The project objects towards studying and identifying ways to decrease clean water requirements in industries (Judd and Jefferson, 2003). In this course we studied the sources of cleaning used water in industries and discussed a novel technique by which qualities of water are examined which is called flowing water bridge. We studied and experimented a technique called “Flowing water Bridge” and analysed its results for developing methods for renewal of water.