


文献综述的目的是找到解决研究问题包括各种材料可以在当前主题的广告,其有效性以及如何在商业广告与其他变量如组织行为学、财务决策,营销策略等的分析研究(邓肯,2002)。广告对环境变量如竞争、经济联系等的影响将被研究(Vakratsas, Feinberg, Bass and Kalyanaram, 2004)。广告的长期后果及其成本效益将被研究(Hogan, Lemon and Libai, 2004)。广告的有效性可以通过两个基本模型来评估,二分模型和三维模型(Corvi和Bonera, 2010)。

根据泰晤士报的商业指导,可以用来改进广告的策略将使用广告的基本原理和原则(Wells, Spence-Stone, Crawford, Moriarty and Mitchell, 2011)。分析双寡头广告模式在小企业主各种期望方面的表现(Ding, Mei, Yao, 2012)。随着现代技术、互联网和社交媒体在广告中的应用,出现了必须有效处理的现代问题(Sheehan, 2013)。利用近期开发的动态广告模型(Huang, Leng, Liang, 2012),通过有效的广告来提高Time business Coaching的策略。


4. 计划的研究方法

目前的研究涉及到与市场营销相关的问题,更具体地说是广告问题。本研究的主要目的是探讨《泰晤士报》商业辅导在吸引中小企业方面所面临的问题以及有效广告的可能解决方案。因此,本研究采用混合研究方法进行。这种混合方法包括初级或定量研究和次级或定性研究。定量研究是通过对悉尼地区的一些小企业主进行调查的形式进行的,定性研究是利用现有的关于广告主题的文献进行的(Neuman and Robson, 2011)。








The literature review for the purpose of finding solutions to the research questions would include various material accessible on the current subject of advertising, its effectiveness and how advertising interacts with other variables in the business such as organisational behaviour, financial decisions, marketing policies, etc. which would be analysed for the research (Duncan, 2002). The effect of advertising on the environmental variables such as competition, economic conjuncture etc. would be studied (Vakratsas, Feinberg, Bass and Kalyanaram, 2004). The consequence of advertising in the long-term and its cost effectiveness would be studied (Hogan, Lemon and Libai, 2004). The effectiveness of advertising can be evaluated by two basic models, the dichotomous model and the three-dimensional model (Corvi and Bonera, 2010).

The strategies that can be used for improvement of the advertisement with respect to the Times Business Coaching would be developed using the advertising fundamentals and principles (Wells, Spence-Stone, Crawford, Moriarty and Mitchell, 2011). Aspects of the duopoly advertising model with respect to various expectations of the small business owners would be analysed (Ding, Mei and Yao, 2012). With the modern use of technologies, internet and social media in the advertising, there have emerged modern issues which must be handled effectively (Sheehan, 2013). The strategies for improvement of the business of Time Business Coaching through effective advertising would be done using the recently developed dynamic advertising models (Huang, Leng and Liang, 2012).

Therefore, the applicable literature review would be done as a portion of the entire research study, with the aim to understand the solutions of the major issues of advertising. These literatures used would only include the writings from highly creditable and dependable sources. These writings would then be used to answer the research queries. Although the literature available on the current research topic is wide, only the most relevant potion would be used for this study. Therefore, it would not be an exhaustive literature and would have further scope research.

4. Planned Research Methodology

The current research involves the study of issues related to the marketing and more specifically the issues of advertisement. The problems faced by the Times Business Coaching in attracting the small businesses and possible solution for effective advertisement is main aim of this research. Thus, the idea of hybrid research methodology is adopted for conducting this research. This hybrid method involves a primary or quantitative research and a secondary or qualitative research. The quantitative research is conducted in the form of survey of some of the small business owners in the region of Sydney and the qualitative research is done by using the literature available on the subject of advertisement (Neuman and Robson, 2011).

4.1 Research Procedure

For the completion of this research the following steps would be taken in the phase manner:

The first phase of the research is to examine and review various literary materials accessible with respect to the topic of research like the developing trends in the field of advertising, use of modern methods to promote companies, issues that limit the small businesses to make use of business consultants like Times Business Coaching etc.

As the research question is to evaluate the advertising strategy for small business owner of “Times Business Coaching” in Sydney, appropriate literary matters would be collected so as to understand the impact of several aspects, needs of small businesses and plans functional for the competitive organisations in the field of business consultation.

For further reinforcement of the knowledge obtained from the literature review, a detailed survey using the well-planned questionnaire would be conducted. This would aim to discuss the pertinent queries with the randomly selected small business owners in the region of Sydney.

Thus, with the outcome of the detailed survey and strong support of the applicable literature review the study would be done to answer the research questions. The content collected would be deliberated, analysed and examined to find relevant solutions and conclusions for the current issues faced by the Times Business Coaching.