

本文主要講學習型組織理論,與該組織最相關的理論模型是Peter Senge提出的“學習型組織”理論。 Riady應該帶領組織成為一個學習型組織。這樣一個組織將為學習、知識管理和創新提供適當的環境。要促進這一點,就需要有理想的領導素質。 “學習型組織”的形成有五個維度,學習型組織必須將這五個維度有機地結合起來。首先,組織需要一種系統思維方式。組織應該把自己看作一個由複雜單元組成的系統。本篇代寫論文文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The theory model that is most relevant for this organization is the “learning organization” theory, proposed by Peter Senge. Riady should lead the organization to become a learning organization. Such an organization would provide a suitable environment for learning, knowledge management and for innovation. Ideal leadership qualities would be needed to promote this. There are five dimensions in the making of a “learning organization” and it is necessary for a learning organization to incorporate all these dimensions. Firstly, a form of system thinking is necessary for organization. The organization should view itself as a system of complex units.
For instance, according to the case study, the units that work with philanthropic service notions must be different from the business units, but the connections that make them work as a system must be identified and improved. Secondly, in the “learning organization”, there must be personal mastery. The managers and employees must both work on improving and learning all the time. Thirdly, there must be mental models developed for the organization that would help the organization (both leaders and followers) envision where they are headed (Senge, 1990). Finally, the vision of the leader such as Riady must become a shared vision for the purpose of taking the organization further. Only in such shared visions and future learning, it could be said that team members would be able to learn and achieve collaborative goals together. Riady’s organization is successful right now, but for further expansions and for continual meeting of challenges, it is necessary that as leader he works on creating a “learning organization”.
Senge emphasizes on the role of the leader as a designer, a teacher and a steward. As a designer, the leader would create the common vision, would determine the policies and strategies for organization growth and would lead the organization into change as a transformative leader. Now the leadership of Riady has indeed displayed this capability. The leader must also be a teacher and in that they should coach and help create mental models of tacit culture of the workplace. The leader must also act as a steward and in that must ensure that the leadership and organizational learning are given the right focus. Now, the management opportunity that is seen in the case scenario can be exploited by Riady and his management team focusing on the above-mentioned leadership strategies. This would help motivate the organization to become a “learning organization” (Goh & Richards, 1997).
An alternative view could be that the organizational learning management could be decentralized and leadership could be given a smaller role. This form of decentralized learning could help bring in more input. However, given that external challenges to the business are high, a decentralized role might not help the organization much. A decentralized role might not have awareness of all external challenges, and at best skewed perception could prevail. Therefore, the chosen model is better, as the leader leads the transformative changes for the organization.
