




BCG matrix is one of the marketing tools that can be utilised as the analytical tool and help the organisation to allocate their resources. BCG matrix is segmented into 4 quadrants such as a star, cash cow, question mark and dogs. It has been observed that the demand for Xo sauce and Chinese sauce is always high so that it can be said that these products are the star products of the bakery because it has both the high growth share and its growth is also high. The main reason behind this is that it is the speciality of KeeWah. What’s more, Chinese bridal cakes, moon cakes are the cash cow products because it has high growth share in the market but it is belonging from the low growth share because there are several bakeries related organisation in China. Presently, KeeWah has introduced different seasonal as well as festive products during different Chinese festivals. For example, they have introduced different auspicious products, rice dumping products and seasonal products that are question mark products because it has high growth in the industry because it has the capability to attract customers. However, several organisations are there in the market that sell this kind of products so that the market shares of this kind of products is less. Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be described that all of the products are standardised products.