


在澳大利亚(新南威尔士州)发现黄金后,它吸引了其他国家的人们。成千上万的区域人口到达澳大利亚海岸以获得更好的生活条件。 1960年代的革命气氛席卷全国。新的种族多样性和对英国的巨大依赖促成了经济和社会变革的动荡。在二十世纪七十年代,澳大利亚土着人民投票选举全民投票,将他们纳入人口普查。这是白人澳大利亚人与土着人一起发起的强大运动的产物(Vickers&Isaac,2012)。几年后,澳大利亚经历了许多变化,如取消教育费用,放弃白人至上政策和接受多元文化主义。



After the discovery of gold in Australia (New South Wales), it lured people from other states. Thousands of regional population reached the shores of Australia to get better living conditions. A revolutionary atmosphere in the 1960’s engulfed the whole nation. New ethnic diversity and huge dependence on Britain contributed to the turmoil of economic and social changes. During 1970’s, a referendum was voted for the aboriginal Australians to include them into the censuses. This was the output of the strong campaign initiated by the white Australians along with the aboriginal (Vickers & Isaac, 2012). After few years, Australia went through many changes, like the abolishment of the education fees, abandonment of the white supremacy policy and acceptance of multiculturalism.

The involvement of Australia in the war for quite a long time has fuelled the need of labour and investment from overseas. This has largely affected the Australian economy and demographic. Many economists have argued that benefits which came with this process outweighed the harmful effects. The views have suggested that the transportation of labour has helped in the significant increase in the net domestic demand, which has further led to increased investment and growth. In the early 90’s, race and immigration agenda became a tool to get votes. People were polarized on the cultural issues. Subsequently, the theory of one nation was on the verge of disappearance. However, the past decades have once proved that Australia is a cultural and multicultural society.