


另一方面,《邮报》的女权主义者则努力争取保护自己免受性骚扰。他们喜欢把自己看作是幸存的群体,而不是受害的群体。这种观点认为,即使社会上的妇女受到压迫,她们仍然生存下来。即使在工作场所、大学或社会其他领域存在性骚扰,女性也需要站出来保护自己的形象。他们需要沉湎于确保自己的地位,而不是一直受到压迫(Heywood et al., 2012)。他们还强调,吹口哨是必不可少的,它有助于赋予女性权力。虽然从女权主义者的角度来看,性骚扰作为一个问题被认为是堕落的,但后女权主义者并非如此(Gillis et al., 2010)。他们认为性骚扰是一个需要接受个人叙述的概念。由于女性拥有自己的性取向,她们在想要占她们便宜的男性眼中拥有更大的权力。因此,更多关注的是基于个人的身份。重点还在于了解女性想要什么?




On the other hand, the post feminists push towards obtaining protection against harassment of sexual nature. They like to think of their selves as the surviving groups and not as victimized groups. The view entails that even though women in the society have been oppressed, they have survived. Even though there is sexual harassment in the workplaces or Universities or other spheres in the society, women need to come forward for protecting their image. They need to indulge in securing their position rather than being oppressed consistently (Heywood et al., 2012). They also emphasize that whistle blowing is essential and it can help give power to women. While sexual harassment as an issue is considered as degraded from the perspective of feminist, this is not the case for post-feminists (Gillis et al., 2010). They view sexual harassment as a notion that requires embracing individual narratives. As women own their sexuality, they have more power in the eyes of the men considering to take advantage. More focus is therefore over individual based identity. Focus is also on knowing what is it that women want?


This is to conclude that the debate existing between both the groups is a prominent one. From the perspective of both these groups, however, the issues discussed require a solution. Post feminism with regard to the issues discussed focuses over individualism as well as collective actions generated. In light of this, post feminism obscures the various ways in which females often are afraid, have subjection to rape and other types of violence. In relation to glass ceiling, feminism requires equal workplace gender roles for example. Whereas post feminism requires individual based rights being provided. This demands an end to every oppression form.