


Globalized companies esp. the multinational companies will depend on South Korea to maintain some operations. It has direct and indirect influence in many of the key organizational performance in many companies across the spectrum. Due to this companies should analyze about South Korean work culture. For this purpose the research method that has been devised is about the relevance of culture. Hence exploratory primary research has been considered. This will allow the researcher to understand about the key factors that are involved in the process of developing dynamic strategy. Best practices followed by the individual managers will be questioned. This would allow factoring in how best practices and in what way companies devise benchmarking standards.
Research strategy that has been considered is exploratory qualitative interview. The questions that will be posed are to analyze about the difference in culture that exists between the people within the organization. There will be discussions about their views.
For data collection, the sources that would be considered are South Korean employees. Managers who have South Korean employees in the teams, managers who are from South Korea and the teams who have South Koreans will be considered. The company that would be selected for the team is multinational corporations who have employees from various descent and ethnicities. This will enable in gaining perspective about the views of the South Korean employees as a whole. The working population would be considered in the research. There will be no criteria to assess the people based on their gender or age or economical background. Nevertheless it will be questioned for further data analysis about the specifics involved in the process.
There will be two methods of data collection. It is the interview method and the survey methods. For the interview method detailed one on one interview will be collected. This is to ensure that there is understanding of the people. There will be more questions posted in survey method. It is not possible or feasible to conduct on an interview. Certain people of interest will be questioned through in depth interview process. Group surveys also will be taken in some case study analysis. This allows in more exploratory analysis of the variables that are involved in the system. The actual questions that would be required would be short questions that ask the respondents direct questions. A questionnaire is addressed to specific individuals who are of interest to the researcher. The questions will be structured to be open-ended questions that allow the people to answer their views and opinions. The questionnaire will be short with ample space provided to explain about the different insights.
