


与在线销售相关的另一个独特属性是市场,其中包括全球数十亿的客户和数百万家企业(Verheyenm,2016)。 因此,电子商务业务是独一无二的,因为同样的技术可能超越国界。电子商务的又一个独特属性是“通用标准”。 世界各地不同的电子商务平台只有一个标准是“互联网标准”。 电子商务门户中的任何产品的市场进入成本都比商店低很多。 在电子商务门户中,搜索产品的成本大大降低。 除此之外,价格发现变得更简单和更快的过程。 由于产品具有通用的标准,所以提供更简单,更快速和准确的产品交付是非常有用的。


Another unique attribute related to the online selling is the Market place which includes around billions of customers worldwide and millions of businesses (Verheyenm, 2016). Therefore, E-commerce business is unique as the same technology may reach beyond the national boundaries. A yet another unique attribute of E Commerce is having the ‘Universal Standards’. There is only one standard which may be applied in the different E-commerce platforms across the world is the ‘Internet Standard’. The market entry cost for any product in an E Commerce portal is quite lower in comparison to the shop. In an E-commerce Portal, the cost for searching the products largely decreases. In addition to this, the price discovery becomes a simpler and a faster process. Because of having universal standards for the products, it is useful to have a simpler, faster and an accurate product delivery.