




尖峰通常會發出信號,尖峰的發射速度取決於眼球運動速度的增加或減少。在與局部場勢(LFP)的關係中,可以觀察到峰值和暫停。實驗結果表明,在暫停的同時,LFP也發生了劇烈的變化。 LFP是來自Purkijne周圍的信號。本研究通過一定的實驗和分析研究表明,浦肯野的信息對峰值火災的時間和速度都敏感(Hong, 2016)。


The cerebellar activity during saccadic movement has been deeply analyzed within this research. In cerebellum there are Purkinje cells which are responsible for transmitting information of saccadic activity. These cells emit spike in relation with the movement of eyes. A group of researchers from Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, examined the train of spikes emitted by Purkinje cells. They examined the data collected from three monkeys to get insight to Purkinje cell functions. They found that these time-sensitive spikes have some pauses between them. These pauses showed the starting of the movement of eyes.

The spikes otherwise regularly fire signals, where the rate of firing of spikes depend on increasing or decreasing of velocity of eye movement. The spikes and pauses are deeply observed in relation with Local Field Potential (LFP). It is observed in the experimental results that pauses are accompanied by drastic changes in LFP. LFP is the signal coming from surrounding of Purkijne. This research, through certain experiments and analytical study, shows that the information by Purkinje is sensitive to both time and the rate of spike fires (Hong, 2016).