harvard reference 格式:天赋和技能


harvard reference 格式:天赋和技能




harvard reference 格式:天赋和技能



harvard reference 格式:天赋和技能

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

One of my greatest talent or skill has been developed around my ability to deal with quantitative numbers. This skill becomes crucial for the purpose of development of my skills and knowledge in areas related to the economics and other learning which requires logical analysis of numbers.

I have been developing this skill of mine from an early age through a number of activities involved solving quizzes, puzzles, number games and generally analyzing the events through a logical aspect. This has not come easy to me as I had to undertake the hard part of slowly developing this skill. I had not been a born wizard who could play with numbers at will but the use of such skill fascinated me. Therefore, I had undergone a lot of training and hard work for the purpose of creating my knowledge in these areas. Such skills were developed on the basis of significant amount of times and resources which were invested by me through the course of my early schooling years.

harvard reference 格式:天赋和技能

When I moved through last few years of my school, I had undertaken a lot of training on the basis of analysis of the number games which were available online. My father had also used the services of his friend who was local mathematics teacher for the purpose of creating an interest in my mind for the use of numbers to solve everyday problems. The interactions with my mentor allowed me to know and appreciate the wonders which were associated with the use of analytical process in education, profession and overall management of the life.

I have been a hard worker and believe in my ability to struggle with dedication for the purpose of creating better understanding and management of learning and knowledge. As such there has been constant effort on my part to create solutions in economics and its related areas where logical reasoning can be used for creative solutions. This means that I have been constantly focused on getting better and logical solutions on the basis of logical analysis.