留学 论文代写-汽车品牌介绍


本文主要讲的是汽车品牌介绍,GMNA一直以GMC、雪佛兰、凯迪拉克和别克等品牌向北美客户销售、生产和开发汽车,并以沃克斯豪尔、欧宝、霍顿、GMC、雪佛兰、凯迪拉克和别克等品牌向北美以外的客户销售。通用汽车还间接或直接持有一些子公司实体的股权,这些子公司大多位于亚洲。这些公司一直在生产、设计和销售五菱、解放、雪佛兰、凯迪拉克、别克、宝骏和艾尔芬等品牌的汽车。本篇留学 论文代写文章由澳洲论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

GMNA has been offering marketed, manufactured, and developed vehicles under the brands of GMC, Chevrolet, Cadillac, and Buick to the North American customers and under the brand names of Vauxhall, Opel, Holden, GMC, Chevrolet, Cadillac, and Buick for the customers located outside North America. GM also has staked with equity ownership indirectly or directly in a number of entities of subsidiaries mostly in Asia. These companies have been manufacturing, designing and marketing vehicles under the brand names of Wuling, Jiefang, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, Baojun and Alpheon.
On 2009, 1st June, there was declaration by General Motors regarding bankruptcy that has been result of decreased market share and sales for years. As a consequence to this, GM underwent tectonic shift in the organizational changes. The structure and culture of GM also had to undergo changes for the avoidance of closing of the organization. There was appointment of Fritz Henderson as the new GM’s CEO two months before the bankruptcy. There was an immediate communication flow by Henderson to the employees and other stakeholders regarding the way the organization can change in trying to avoid bankruptcy. Henderson had limited time for communication and been under pressure with his proposals for the changes as the bankruptcy of GM was nearing.
With regards to the evaluation of Red X, there was fear in the team from the onset, regarding the activities of standardized work activities that can be making a stifling effect to the successes of Red X. This is what can be described as creative strategic thinking. There was belief by them so as to the lost processes caused by the standardization, which would be the dogma of tactics. The procedures of standardized work required the operation of the problem solvers to have been different compared to their operation in the past. The concerns of the problem solvers have been that there is sacrifice for speed. However, there was discovery by the team that input standardization into the solvers of the problem. In reality, increased the process of creativity with the allowance of what they are best at. It also has the provision that every customer having a vehicle has been built from the knowledge obtained from the latest sources.
