

本篇文章的主要內容是關於大腦記憶區域的研究,情景編碼與神經關聯的分離稱為後續記憶範式。在這種方法中,所觀察到的是,隨後的記憶範式將涉及到對被記住和可能被遺忘的項目的編碼階段活動的比較。有一個更大的編碼活動,這是非常相關的後續記憶,它已被遺忘。患者已知的顳外神經網絡是由顳葉癲癇編碼的(Eichenbaum and Cohen, 2000)。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The isolation of the neural correlation with the episodic coding shall be called as subsequent memory paradigm. In this method what has been observed is that subsequent memory paradigm shall involve comparing of the encoding phase activity for the items which are remembered and which could be forgotten. There is a greater encoding activity which is very much related with the subsequent memory and it has been forgotten. The extra-temporal networks known in the patients will be the one which are encoded with the temporal lobe epilepsy (Eichenbaum and Cohen, 2000).
On without the scanner verbal and visual memory scores the activations of encoding and the correlation of the neural activities takes place. It is seen that in the posterior part of the processing is mostly related to the phonological processing. There is an evidence which shows that the left part of the inferior frontal gyrus will be associated with the meaningful words like tiger, forest, ringmaster, circus, etc, but these cannot be associated with the phonologically words or sounds like the mill, fill, reel, till etc. (Eichenbaum and Cohen, 2000). The fMRI studies actually validate the dissociation which lies between the left of the inferior part of the left frontal gyrus as compared to the anterior part.
There is a great correlation between the cognitive functions. In the episodic method, it is seen that methods are used to distinguish between the encoding and the retrieval of a concept. There is a difference which has been identified regarding to the involvement of the several regions with regards to the brain related to encoding versus retrieval. This kind of patterns reflects the nature of the stimuli which are used in the subsequent memories like the unrelated words which do not require the organising of the functions. To understand this nature the scanning process can take place where in the test is of rehearsing the words in the working memory (Science, 2015).
Let’s take an example like recollecting what was taken for breakfast like today or yesterday then the chain of thoughts would be like Hmmm…? Had something like generally drink tea but that day preferred for coffee and made an omelette. No ….. Maybe was in too hurry so could not make omelette and grabbed a slice of bread (Gardiner, 1990).