

本篇文章主要將迪拜的優勢,建議Woolworths Ltd選擇迪拜作為拓展其電子商店業務的目標國家。原因是它所掌握的具有吸引力的市場力量,以及市場能夠限制其對全球金融危機走勢的影響的方式(2009年美國危機就是明證)。本篇論文代寫文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

It is suggested that Woolworths Ltd select Dubai as the target country for expanding its electronic store business. The reason for the same is the attractive market forces which it commands and the way the market has been able to restrict its influence to the global financial crisis movements evident by the 2009 crisis of the US.
As seen by the above matrix of shopping destination, Dubai scores full in all the parameters. The location is strategic between Asia and Europe and US, it has political stability, the society and culture is more modern than expected, and the economic and tourism policy reflects the growth of tourism in the country. In addition, the promotions and bargains campaigns is popular in the country which is also enjoyed by consumers, it has attractive events planned throughout the year to attract tourists from different parts of the world, and has the best tourism infrastructure with hotels, restaurants, security, night life, and has abundant retail of all kinds and class to be enjoyed for a broad number of classes and cultures. It has a substantially reasonable sea route through which the products can be transferred from Australia to Dubai if there is such a requirement for the firm.
Stephens Balakrishnan (2008) has researched the brand identity of Dubai and has concluded that the country has been successfully able to market its brand identity as a tourism destination to the world and due to its strategic location, it has enjoyed the prestige of remaining the most preferred tourist destination for a long time. The country’s tourism policy, the political will, and the provision of tourism infrastructure has been supportive of the claim that Dubai remains the most attractive international tourist destination for all kinds of countries an classes of people.
