




In a business environment, buyer supplier will always be involved in an exchange relationship in which one or the other will be in a position of superior power. It is natural for a party in business to utilise its powerful position to secure more profits since profit motive is their primary reason of existence. Use of power however varies from the buyer to supplier and also can be interdependent and independent. Power possessed by one is a disadvantage for the other, and when one uses power on the weak it is an undesired event for the weak party. Power now is seen more as a means of seeking and fulfilling a selfish motive rather than a destructive force which can destroy a relationship forever. Buyer supplier carries power in different forms and extent, and then it is in different stages of using it as an advantage. A situation of buyer dominance occurs when the buyer has full control of suppressing supplier concerns and uses power to seek a favourable position. Supplier dominance are also in existence although less than buyer dominance. It occurs when the supplier has a speciality product to be sold through multiple buyers to consumers. Power interdependence is more secure for the two entities require each other’s support to manifest their existence and its purpose. Hence, they tend to have equal possession of power. Power independence occurs when there is massive uncertainty of future on both sides. Power is also increased by innovative means of business. This is what it makes dangerous for the future. Since all energies become focused on power accumulation, less attention is paid to product and service improvement, thus destroying consumer trust. Trust is the best remedy instead of power. Betrayal of trust and dominant use of power can abruptly destroy a long term relationship. Hence, it is always wise to use trust as a tool rather than power to enhance one’s business.