


股本收益率(ROE)变量是与银行获得股权收益相对应的变量。从本质上讲,净利润占利益相关者权益的百分比。这是银行产生的盈利能力的指标,是股东投入资金的百分比。 ROE正向表示更好的盈利能力。数据显示,最低ROE在-0.89为负,而最高为0.087。显然,ROE对于低利润率的数据集通常较低。 -0.014的负数表示平均银行在给定数据集中具有负利润率。数据的偏斜是-3.561,这意味着数据是负面倾斜的。这意味着样本中的大多数银行的净资产收益率为负值。平均值低于中值。数据的标准差是0.1644。然而,数据中的色散很低,因为作为色散测量的标准偏差受到数据值的影响,这并不令人伤心。数据的标准差与均值的比值变异系数为11.74。这是一个更好的分散度量,因为它是受数据值和极值影响的两个统计度量的比值,不受数据点影响太大。 11.74的CoV值被认为是高的,这意味着即使数据的范围是0.98,在六十个观测值中,数据也是高度分散的。数据集的峰度是14.813。


The return on equity (ROE) variable is the variable corresponding to the return the banks get on their equity. Essentially, it is the net income as a percent of the stakeholders’ equity. It is an indicator of the profitability that the bank generates as a percent of the money invested by the shareholders. A positive ROE indicates better profitability. It is evident from the data that the minimum ROE is negative at -0.89 whereas the maximum is positive at 0.087. Evidently the ROE is generally low for the dataset implying low profitability. A negative mean at -0.014 shows that the average bank has a negative profitability in the given dataset. The skewness of the data is -3.561 implying that the data is negatively skewed. This implies that most of the banks in the sample have a negative ROE. The mean is lower than the median. The standard deviation of the data is 0.1644. However, it cannot be sad that the dispersion in the data is low because standard deviation as a measure of dispersion is affected by the values in the data. The coefficient of variation of the data which is the ratio of standard deviation and mean is 11.74. This is a better measure of dispersion because it, being a ratio of two statistical measures both of which are affected by the value of the data and the extreme values, is not affected much by the data points. A CoV of 11.74 is considered high which means that across the sixty observations, the data is highly dispersed even though the range of the data is 0.98. The kurtosis of the dataset is 14.813.