




Howard & Louis (1998) comments that Canada’s middle power diplomacy and the language it used justified the disproportionate influence the country has had in international affairs and it showcased it with a distinctive national foreign policy brand. The question is whether the same middle power status or possession is able to support the country to sail through the turbulent times in the current and upcoming century. This is because however successful a country is in its policy framework and protecting the rights of its citizens, there comes a time when it has to expand beyond its region for allowing itself to get economically integrated or allow inbound flow of resources to avoid being in the trap of being labelled as a isolator country or arrogant observer. Markets saturate and it requires more room to grow by itself. It requires new areas of dominance and display and this can be done by integrating with other countries by way of globalization measures. The middle power status is a good indication of it being influential even though it is not sizeable enough to be called a nation state, but its ideology and the approach towards policy formation, international affairs conduct, and conflict resolution has helped the country to gain a competitive advantage among its peers.