


国际学生对课堂的多样性和国际化做出了贡献,并在课堂上增加了不同的观点,增进了相互理解,加深了世界不同地区存在的差异。校园文化多样性的丰富和与国内学生接触到影响世界其他地区的因素是相当重要的。新西兰与几个国家的贸易关系将成为未来经济的支柱。在这种情况下,对内部环境的理解是很重要的。国际学生带来的经验有助于发展这种理解(Urban & Palmer,2014)。学生们将会了解当前的情况,政府的倡议,这些市场的机会以及这些机会可以被利用的方式。在某种程度上,学生的学习开始与国际学生分享的真实生活的例子一起发展。


The international students contribute to diversity and internationalization of the classroom and add different perspectives in the classroom enhancing the mutual understanding and appreciating the differences that exist in different regions of the world. The enrichment of cultural diversity of the campus and exposure to the domestic student to factors affecting the other regions of the world is quite important. The trade relation that New Zealand has with several countries is going to become the backbone of the economy in future. In such a scenario, it is important that the understanding of the internal environment is developed. The experience that the international students bring with them contributes in developing such understanding (Urban & Palmer, 2014). The students will have the understanding of the prevailing conditions, the government initiatives, the opportunities in these markets and the ways these opportunities can be exploited. In a way, the learning of the students starts developing with real life examples that is shared by the international students.