


霍根和1(1997)定义了社会责任心的一部分拥有勤奋的品质,整齐,和控制。这三个主要总结任何责任心特质占有者的理想态度,这一结果将包含在工作和这些元素的特征将是不可避免的。分数高的人的责任心会努力工作,总是努力实现他们的目标,组织良好、生产力,和负责任。这些特质很少看到一个人在工作中发现这些都是一个人,这个人必然会有一个富有成效的生活工作在一个有组织的方式执行所有任务。它被其他评论家和作家努力证明,被组织良好,负责从未背离人实现他们的目标。例如,麦克斯韦(2004)强调领导人获得了他们的工作而不是工作在任何他们创造一个更好的行动计划和产生更好的结果。他们花8 – %的时间最重要的20%将给他们的最大结果他们的欲望。Daughery(无日期)也肯定自律总是创建一个积极的心态。这态度倾向于燃料处理纪律反过来又构建了一个积极的态度。这是一个伟大的循环加强和建立内部品质的善行。


Hogan and Ones (1997) have defined the social part of conscientiousness as possessing of qualities of hard working, orderliness, and control. These three majorly sum up the ideal attitude of any conscientiousness trait possessor, that one would contain at work and the results of these elements of the trait would be inevitable. People with a higher score of conscientiousness would be hard working, always working to achieve their goals, well organized, productive, and responsible. Such qualities are rarely seen in a single person at work and when these are found in a single person, that person is bound to have a productive life at work by performing all tasks in an organized way. It is being proven by other commentators and authors that hard work, being well organized and taking responsibility never deviates the person for achieving their goals. For example, Maxwell (2004) emphasizes that leaders who prioritises their work rather than working on whatever comes to them do create a better action plan and produce better results. They spend 8-% of their time on the most important 20% which will give them the maximum results they desire. Daughery (n.d) also affirms that self-discipline always creates a positive mental attitude. So this attitude tends to fuel working with discipline which in turn again builds a positive attitude. So this is a great cycle of good deeds which enhance and build internal qualities.