論文 代寫 價格-道德的標準幾準則


本文主要講述的是道德的標準幾準則,禁止諸如謀殺、攻擊、綁架、強姦、盜竊、搶劫和破壞公物等侵略行為,以執行普遍道德標準。因此,針對另一個人的侵略而採取的這些侵略行動被視為自衛,並不構成違反普遍道德(肯尼迪63)。因此,個人行為背後的情境因素和潛在動機決定了行為是否道德。把虛偽和罪惡同美德和真理相比較的整個概念是透明和赤裸裸的。這是很自然的,任何人都將有充分的能力,明辨是非,而承認正確的道德。然而,最大的問題是這樣做的意願。這兩首詩都反映了個人服從上帝意志的主要鬥爭,這種意志是無比強大和普遍的。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The actions of aggression such as murder, assault, kidnaping, rape, theft, robbery and vandalism are prohibited to enforce the standards of universal morality. Hence, commission of these aggression actions in response to the aggression exerted by another individual is regarded as self-defense and does not constitute to violate the universal morality (Kennedy 63). Due to this, the factor of situation and underlying motivation behind the actions committed by an individual is responsible to decide if the action was moral or immoral. The overall notions of falsity and sin in comparison with virtue and truth are transparent and barefaced. It is natural that anyone will have the full capability to discern right from wrong while acknowledging right morality. However, the biggest issue is faced in the willingness of doing so. Both the poems have reflected the major struggle of individual obedience to the will of God, which is supremely powerful and universal.
It is worth noting that the code of ethics followed in Inferno contradicts that of Beowulf, as Beowulf is in contrary to the values provided in medieval Christianity which is the base of morality in Inferno (Heaney 61). While the code of Beowulf states that there can be gaining of honor by deeds, Christianity from Inferno depicts that there is a glorious afterlife (Kennedy 63). In the similar sense, the culture of warrior in Beowulf states that retaliation is better than mourning. However, the doctrine of Christianity tends to be advocating a forgiving, peaceful attitude towards the enemies of individuals. Even if there are oppositional outlooks of universal morality in the two literature pieces, all individuals tend to be acting as societies while dictating their specific roles across the society.