論文 代寫價格-關於貸款的認知調查


本文是關於貸款的認知調查,從長遠來看,購房者應該通過複雜的程序獲得抵押貸款。客戶指導和研究表明,獲得幾個抵押貸款報價,並獲得適當的信息,可能有助於借款人獲得一個合適的金融術語集抵押貸款(Bachelor, 2014)。為藉款者提供的臨時結果也可能使借款者受益,從而提高客戶滿意度和留存率。本篇論文 代寫價格文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Homebuyers prospectively should navigate the complicated process to obtain mortgages. Customer guidance and research suggests that to obtain several quoted on mortgage and be properly informed might help the borrowers for getting a mortgage with a proper financial term set (Bachelor, 2014). Improvised outcomes for borrowers also might profit the lenders with regard to increased satisfaction of the customers and retention.
So as to enhance the knowledge of how the process of mortgage shopping may be improvised for the one borrowing, this study adopted questionnaire as a tool to reach the results. Customer guidance and research depicts that to obtain multiple quotes of mortgages and be properly informed might help the borrowers to obtain a mortgage with properly set terms of finances (Bachelor, 2014).
From the findings it is evident that clients with potential are able to research comparison of loan terms offered by lenders to the others by internet quoted or advertisements. Mortgage brokers, in the world today have more competitiveness with wholesale capital market access and discount in prices. There are a diverse number of problems faced by brokers and understood from the findings. There are low overhead costs involved for mortgage brokers in comparison to major and expensive operations for banking due to their niche structure. They are able to low their rates in an instant manner for competing with clients. Large organizations have less competitiveness as they provide their representatives of sales their fixed sheets of rate. Officers for loan are also able to decrease the profit margin of the companies and might be high or low when viewed across the market area based upon the manager’s decision. Therefore, mortgage brokers gain between 60-70 percent of the entire marketing area (Bachelor, 2014). This is to say that mortgage brokers need to have appropriate skills that retain the client. This is only possible when significance is laid on client services and their support throughout the process of lending. Therefore, in order to deal with the issues, the following recommendations have been provided with regard to managing management related issues, team based issues and service quality as understood in alignment with the findings.