

本篇文章主要講述聯邦快遞的擴張之路,1975年,聯邦快遞(FedEx)的創始人弗雷德•史密斯(Fred Smith)捲入了一項有爭議的指控,稱該公司偽造文件以獲取貸款。這些指控被證明是毫無根據的,史密斯被免除了所有指控,他重新獲得了公司的控制權。聯邦快遞的基礎是航空貨運業的放鬆管制,這被證明是聯邦快遞的一個重大改善(Frankland et al., 2013)。解除管制後,聯邦快遞得以用大型飛機運送貨物。本篇論文代寫價格文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

FedEx had to face the brunt of negative publicity in 1975 when the company’s founder Fred Smith was embroiled in a controversial accusation stating forgery of documents in order to obtain loans. These accusations were proved baseless and Smith was relieved of all charges and he came back to acquire control of the company. Deregulation of the air cargo industry which formed the foundation of FedEx, proved to be a significant improvement in the situation of FedEx (Frankland et al., 2013). The deregulation allowed FedEx to carry cargo on large planes.
The organization responded tentatively to the modified government regulations and replaced the relatively smaller Falcons with DC-10s and Boeing 727 and 737. The company also embarked on purchasing leased trucks and thus was able to start a standard operation which promised delivery of goods by noon the next day. The early part of 1980 saw FedEx becoming a leader of express delivery services and became the first among competitors to provide overnight delivery services (Hornstein, 2015). The journey of expansion for FedEx continued and the company was successful in including overnight delivery of documents and letters in 1981.
In 1984, FedEx purchased Gelco Express International which served as an international package shipper and other firms which dealt in overseas delivery. In the same year, FedEx developed an automated shipping system which accounted for enhancement in the company’s credentials. The stride of FedEx towards development was further accentuated by the inclusion of hand held bar code scanners for package tracking. In 1988, FedEx introduced the Service Quality Indicator (SQI) which was responsible for monitoring lost packages, delays in deliveries and missed pickups. The scanners were useful in interpreting the barcodes on invoices and provided details which were used for tracking package location in the course of its journey. The acquisition of another overseas cargo delivery firm, Flying Tigers, by FedEx proved to be a short-term benefit as the FedEx was burdened with debt and foreign losses.