論文 代寫 價格-知情同意的重要性


本文主要講的是知情同意的重要性,知情同意的重要性可以分析,因為它支持個人在治療程序方面的權利。每一個人都有權通過告知患者治療過程和治療過程的風險,徵求患者的同意,了解自己的治療過程;這促進了個人的權利,並表明知情同意對社會環境的重要性。知情同意的重要性相關醫學背景下,可以看到,通過獲得知情同意,醫生可以確保病人準備好開始的醫療手術或治療試驗,以防任何事故發生,那麼醫生可能不被視為指責。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Informed consent’s importance can be analysed as it supports the rights of individuals in context to the treatment procedure. Each and every individual has the right to know about their treatment procedures through asking for the consent of the patient by informing him or her about the treatment process and the risks with the treatment process; this facilitate the individual’s rights and indicates the importance of the informed consent in relation to social context. The importance of the informed consent related to the medical context, can be seen as, through obtaining informed consent, doctors can ensure that the patient is ready to start with the medical procedure or treatment trials and in case any mishap happens, then the doctor may not be treated as accused.
Therefore, to obtain the informed consent is important for the doctors and this shows the informed consent’s importance in medical context as well. Importance of informed consent can be known through various aspects. For example, it protects the rights of the individuals, prevents abusive conduct and autonomy, and establishes trust, self-ownership, raises personal integrity and non-domination.
There are number of psychological problems which arise with regards to the concept of informed consent. One of the issues or challenges related with informed consent is the language barrier. As sometime, misunderstanding individual’s viewpoint can occur due to the inappropriate method of language translations. This situation raises the responsibility of the researcher or the doctor when the treatment process is going on. Religious aspects of the individuals can act as barrier for participating in the treatment or research process as the behaviour rule set through the individual’s religion may influence to accept the medical treatment ( Bowman et al., 2011).
In addition to this, false expectations can also be a psychological problem with the informed consent as the patient may fear of treatment as he or she may be treated as an experimental model for a research or study, or patient can refuse because of the historical facts of the misconducts or frauds done by that particular clinic. Another psychological issue related with obtaining informed consent is the perception of the patients. Patients can refuse for the treatment or deny to give consent as some individuals or patient may have fear that the expenses which are to be incurred on the medical treatment may not be covered by their insurance; this psychology of the patients can be issue in obtaining the informed consent.