論文 代寫 價格-組織領導需要多樣性


本文主要講述的是組織領導需要多樣性,英德拉•努伊(Indra Nooyi)是一位傑出的女性領導人。她是百事公司的董事長兼首席執行官。它是全球最大的食品和飲料連鎖店之一。她堅信“有目的的表演”。組織在文化上變得多樣化。來自不同文化、民族、種族背景的人們在組織中一起工作。多樣化使組織有效地為管理者利用不同員工的技能和優勢。組織需要擁抱多樣性。接受多樣化是一個挑戰,因為人們對不同群體有先入之見和偏見。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

A remarkable example of the woman leader is Indra Nooyi. She is the chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. It is one of largest food and beverage chain and is spread across the world. She strongly believes in “performance with purpose”.Organizations have become culturally diverse. People from different cultures, ethnic groups, racial backgrounds work together in organizations. Diversity makes organizations effective for the managers to capitalize on skills and strengths of different employees. Organizations need to embrace diversity. Accepting diversity is a challenge because people have pre-conceived the notions and stigmas about the different groups.
Their biases and prejudice are deeply ingrained. Organizations need to take important steps to accommodate diversity. Diversity training programs create awareness about different culture groups (Eagly, and Chin, 2010). People become aware of different cultural norms and values. People from different cultures should not be discriminated and they should be accepted. Their norms customs and values should be respected. Organizations should also focus on collective decision making. Leaders should be sensitive to the needs of people. Leader should set example to the employees by accepting diversity. Issues regarding communication style should be addressed effectively and carefully.
Google has an inclusive culture. Google has policies which accommodate all cultures. 59% of Google employees are white, while 32% are Asian, 3% are Hispanic, and 2% are black. 70% percent of Google leadership roles and 57% of tech positions are held by the white employees. 24% of women hold leadership positions in google.
Majority of the leadership theories were formulated in the US. Major research in leadership was done in western countries. Influence of culture on organization and its practices was not studied. However, contemporary theorists have started focusing on culture and how it effects organizations. Theorists have started defining leadership in the context of culture.
Hofstede identified four dimensions of cultural differences. Power distance represents the extent to which supervisors exercise power and subordinate to accept their behaviour. Uncertainty avoidance reflects the extent to which cultures accept ambiguous situations and risk taking behaviour. Individualism-collectivism refers to extent to which the individuals derive their identity from being an individual rather than being part of the group. Masculinity and femininity refers to how much importance culture gives to quality of life or materialistic possessions.