


遗产旅游的管理最大的挑战是平衡允许游客和保护雕塑和纪念碑。同样的巨石阵、管理与保护面临很多问题的纪念碑。如果有太多的游客将被允许靠近石头那么经验不会太愉快但从远看石头毫无意义。还在季节的时候当游客被允许在石圈或他们花的时候晚上,石头是毁了,被粘口香糖,涂鸦。为了避免这种情况,管理计划建立一个访问中心1.5英里远离游客的石圈可以有一个完整的视图纪念碑(Weidenfeld,et al .,2010)。在吉萨金字塔,金字塔内的主要损害是引起游客由于出汗和呼吸。巨大的石膏涵盖艺术画廊被水损坏是由于出汗和呼吸(梅森&郭,2006)。古老的绘画越来越受到这引起重大关注保存和古代建筑的爱好者。按照管理金字塔内的温度增加多达80%的游客。金字塔的墙上也由于游客涂鸦的受损。为了恢复损坏,内部访问的金字塔被关闭一段时间。在这段时间里,被涂鸦的工人;盐存款也从墙上清洗。为了避免损坏的数量,管理部门采取了某些决定像只有300游客将被允许每天金字塔内,一种新的通风系统安装,以免盐口供金字塔的墙上(Wendrich,2006)。


The biggest challenge for management of any heritage tourism is to strike a balance between the permission to tourists and the conservation of the sculpture or the monument. Similarly in case of Stonehenge, management faces a lot of issue with the conservation of the monument. If too many tourists would be allowed near to the stones then the experience won’t be too pleasant but looking at the stone from far makes no sense. Also at the time of seasons when tourists are allowed at the stone circle or the times when they spend nights, the stones are ruined and damaged by sticking chewing gums and graffiti. In order to avoid such situations, management has planned to establish a visiting center at 1.5miles away from the stone circle from where tourists could have a complete a view of the monument (Weidenfeld, et al., 2010). At pyramid of Giza, the main damages are caused inside the pyramid due to the sweating and breathing by tourists. The plaster which covers the huge art gallery is being damaged by the water due to sweating and breathing (Mason & Kuo, 2006). The ancient paintings are getting damaged by this and this has caused major concern to the preservers and the lovers of ancient architecture. As per the management the temperature inside the pyramid increases up to 80% due to the visitors. Also the walls of the pyramid were damaged due to graffiti by the tourists. In order to recover the damages, the inside visit of the pyramids was closed for some time. During this time, the graffiti was removed by the workers; the salt deposits were also cleaned from the walls. To avoid the amount of damage, management took certain decisions like only 300 visitors would be allowed inside the pyramid per day, a new ventilation system was installed so as to avoid salt depositions on the walls of the pyramid (Wendrich, 2006).