


传播状态的香农-韦弗模型试图提供通信的总体启发。它从根本上说,信息是由发送者发送给另一方发送信息的。发送方被期望通过介质对特定的消息进行编码。他们被认为是编码器。他们通过使用不同的门户发送信息这是媒体的综合修辞。这些信息在到达最终目的地之前被门户或个人解码。从这个信息的最后接收者那里得到了充分的反馈。从交流中发展起来。为了阐明一个例子,当两个人用一种媒介进行交流时,假设发射机被假定为第一个启动通信的人,然后使用传送门或设计器发送它。该信息由接收数字声音信号的人解码,最终达到第二人称的感知。据说香农是开发这个框架的先驱。这就是沟通从根本上发生在双方之间的方式。在所有的通信模型和公共关系中都观察到类似的意识形态。最著名的公共关系模型之一是grUNK & Hunt开发的模型。以下是grUNK & Hunt公司开发的4款独特车型。


The Shannon–Weaver model of communication states tries to provide the overall heuristics of communication. It fundamentally states the information is sent by a sender to transmit information to the other party. The sender is expected to have encoded a particular message through the medium. They are considered to be the encoders. They send information by using different portals and this is integrated rhetoric noises in the medium. This information is decoded by the portals or individuals before it reaches the final destination. There is ample feedback that has been garnered from this final receiver of the information. From the communication is developed. To elucidate with an example, when two people communicate using a medium the transmitter is assumed to be first person initiating the communication they then send it using a portal or devise. The information is decoded by other people who receive the digital sound signal and finally reaches the perception of the second person. Shannon is said to have pioneered in developing this framework. This is how communication fundamentally occurs between two parties. Similar ideology is observed in all models of communications and in public relation. One of the most well known models of public relations is the models developed by Grunting & Hunt. The 4 distinctive models developed by Grunting & Hunt’s are explained in the following part.