


For fostering the social and mental health of children it is recommended that play should be introduced in subjects like mathematics. In these subjects acquiring of skills can be difficult but by coating these skills through these plays the process becomes easy. One of the study investigated over the use of play in mathematics indicated that play cannot only enhance the mental and physical health of the child but it can also teach the child skills like problem solving. Risk taking can also be introduced because the child has started to work in a creative environment where he or she is independent and can acquire more than a basic skill. This is the reason why play schools have introduced creative games and plays for children so they can acquire subjects like mathematics. This type of learning also comes under the constructivism learning. Example: place value, fractions and long division questions in mathematics are normally difficult for children but with the help of creative games and outdoor activities these questions can become easy (Saracho and Spodek, 2008). Interactive learning can also help the student in memorizing more than the teacher can expect. In outdoor setting the learner will learn more than the basic skill and will look at the big picture. In many education sectors of the world teachers believe that play has no role in the classroom and students can be distracted from the main subject. It can be taken as an open thread of liner thinking and student needs to memorize the lesson for passing the class. Critics suggest that students of East are getting academic education and children learning under the setting of constructivism will learn on using the products. Education needs to be fun because it will create creators and will help in understanding new markets and subjects. Money can be made by creating products and services. Technology is progressing and the best way for coping with emerging markets and trends are in the form of interactive learning styles. From the beginning of child hood it is recommended to use play groups. Learning ability and skills can be impacted by the use of these methods (Jenkin, 2013).
