





在电影《重庆森林》中,警察223和一名女毒贩一起度过了一个令人费解的夜晚(Hung & Smith, 2015)。脱掉高跟鞋的关心得到了“生日快乐”的祝福。在电影《坠落天使》中,伤心的杨采妮在一个陌生人金城武的肩膀上随意哭泣。“一分钟”的爱和温暖是非常珍贵的,但“岛式生存”和沟通困境是城市社会永恒的主题。这就是王家卫的电影能够引起很多人的共鸣和欣赏的原因。


本文香港导演黄Karwai呢喃的专职阅读和解释的电影Karwai Wong王Chenmo在社会角色之间的关系进行了分析和各自的职业生涯的电影主角Karwai Wong说,“恶霸的家庭关系和增长经验,杀手,航空公司空姐,同性恋者,警察,经纪人(杀手)的代理人,作家是完全放弃了(不过,这些角色在传统电影中通常都是行为动机的起源)。


这些角色所做的与他们的身份没有密切的关系。凶手不会杀人;警察不清理案件;作者的剧本实际上包括独白或虚构的故事。他们没有履行社会角色所规定的职责,而是放大和突出了他们的心理状态,这正是导演王家卫希望达到的目标(Smith & Hung, 2015)。


The films of Karwai Wong repeatedly reflect that the predicament of communication is a fate that everyone cannot get rid of. However, the warm comfort conveyed by the occasional contact of two lonely hearts can temporarily dispel the feeling of loneliness, anxiety, depression and so on, which is exactly the island-type survival mode of characters in the films of Karwai Wong to deal with such a plight. In the film Ashes of Time, Ouyang Feng and Murong Yang respectively imagine another person when fondling and being fondled. Seemingly harmonious contact can satisfy each other spiritually.

In the film Chungking Express, Cop 223 and a female drug dealer spend an inexplicable night together (Hung & Smith, 2015). The care for taking off high-heeled shoes wins a blessing “Happy birthday” in return. In the film Fallen Angels, brokenhearted Yang Caini casually cries on the shoulder of a stranger Takeshi Kaneshiro to cry. “One-minute” love and warmth is very precious, but “island-type survival” and predicament of communication are eternal themes in the urban society. These are the reasons why the films of Karwai Wong can strike a chord with and gain the appreciation of so many people.

In the article Hong Kong Director Karwai Wong Twittering of Life—Reading and Interpretation of Films of Karwai Wong, Wang Chenmo conducted an analysis on the relationship between the social roles and respective careers of protagonists in the films of Karwai Wong and said, “The family relations and growth experience of bullies, killers, airline stewardesses, homosexuals, policemen, brokers (agents of killers) and writers are totally abandoned (However, all of these characters are usually presented as the origin of behavioural motive in traditional films).

What these characters do is not closely related to their identities. Killers are not seen killing people; policemen do not clear up cases; the scripts of writers actually involves monologues or imaginary stories. They are not seen do their jobs stipulated by their social roles, but their psychological states are enlarged and highlighted, which is just a goal the director Karwai Wong expects to achieve (Smith & Hung, 2015).