




Midwifery and nurses is the certified nurse’s that provide counseling and care during and after pregnancy. They also provide primary health care services to women throughout their reproductive lives. Marie is facing these problems since long time so it will not be easy to treat or even understand her problems clearly within a short period of 5 days. The problems faced by midwifery in case of Marie are: As Marie is the only earning and active member in the family, so the midwifery may face the problem of time from Marie which is needed for counseling and taking care of Marie. As Marie herself is engaged in taking care of all her family members including children, aging parents and three adolescent and one young child  so it will be difficult to treat and counsel her for her depression (Diener, 2000). Midwifery may not be accepted by the other members of the family as all others belong to different generations with different thought process and may not understand the importance of midwifery for Marie and they all need Marie for their own care and may not even accept the fact that she is suffering from depression.