


被盗一代的孩子可能会感到不安,他们无法解释。在当下,有许多儿童心理学实验来了解儿童如何以及为何以某种方式行为。事实上,很多早期的行为问题都源于不安全和自尊问题等。在这种情况下,对于与父母分开的孩子来说,不安全感会很高。伊万克拉克的介绍显示了为了阻止他们寻找父母而喂养孩子的故事形式。孩子们被告知他们的父母抛弃了他们。在一些叙述中,孩子们被告知,他们的父母不善于做事,也没有遵守法律等等。这是为了给孩子们印记他们必须比父母做得更好。但是,这本身就破坏了他们的自尊心。他们中的一些人最终可能因为他们在寄养家庭的待遇而感到无价值。事实上,正如研究和Ivan Clarke的工作所显示的,原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民的孩子们经常从一个寄养家庭转移到另一个寄养家庭。孩子们的意见不是在上下文中被采纳的,当他们被转移时,这增加了他们的无用感。



Children of the stolen generation might feel insecurity that they cannot explain. In current times, there are much child psychology experiments to understand how and why children behave in a certain way. In fact, much of the early behavioural issues are seen to stem from insecurity and self-esteem issues etc. In this context, for children who are separate from parents, the feelings of insecurity will be high. The presentation of Ivan Clarke shows the form of stories that were fed to children in order to stop them from seeking their parents. Children were told that their parents had deserted them. In some narratives, children were told that their parents were not well to do and did not follow legislation etc. This was done in order to imprint on the children that they have to do much better than their parents. However, this in itself destroyed their self-esteem. Some of them could have ended up feeling worthless as a result of how they were treated at their foster homes. In fact, as studies and Ivan Clarke’s work showed, the children of the aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people were often shifted from one foster home to another foster home. The opinion of the children was not taken in context, when they were shifted and this added to their feelings of worthlessness.

Some of them were depressed, and statistics in terms of deaths seemed to highlight that there was a large ration here. Where children are frustrated in their growing up years and cannot connect to their family or their cultural/moral roots that could have grounded them, it is inevitable that they were soon pushed into a life of delinquency. Sometimes, they were even incarcerated. Some of them fell into patterns of alcohol and drug use. Now the only reason that parents of the stolen generation allowed their children to be taken away was to ensure that they get a good education and a good lifestyle in the future. The foster parents fed false stories to the children. They told the children that their real parents did not want them. While they did this to ensure that the children stayed at the foster parents, the lies had a strong impact on the children. While this was planned out, it could be seen that the quality of living of the stolen generation did not improve in any way. The very reasons that they were taken away from their parents were hence not fulfilled. It led them into issues such as alcohol or drug abuse and this could not be handled in the system. Furthermore, these children, in having lost their intimate connections from their early childhood, were seen to have many trust issues.