


There will be an omni channel promotional mix. More resources will be allocated for promotions during the summer holidays. This is when the families will typically travel and hence there will be more promotions developed during this time for the families to experience new cultures and experience. It has been observed that during the second week of June there will be a lot of importance given to the promotions to TV and Internet medium. This would be the best time to reach the target markets. The children will be out on vacation and there would be more free time for the parents. They would want to establish experience and spend quality time with their children. This would be the ideal time to ensure that the company to product about the newer low cost services to these families. From media analysis it has been found that the united states is more attuned towards the television and the social media tools.
A lot of focus will be given towards the digital media tools and the Social media tools. There will be TV medium that will be used frugally. Key word searches, marketing analytics tools and social media analytics will be developed.
For the advertising model the FCB grid model has been proposed. FCB Grid helps in gaining insight about where a product stands in the minds of a consumer. It aids by estimating whether or not purchase would be a highly involved price or if it would be a price that requires less involvement (Song et al., 2015).
There is an X/Y axis in this exist there is which spans from low involvement to high involvement products. Along the Y axis would be a and from a product that makes you think to a product that makes you feel (Bosangit, Hibbert, and McCabe, 2015). Tourism companies are dependent on the companies that are dependent on the high value emotions of the people hence this model will be used to make targets.
