personal statement 代写:健康计划对旷工的影响


personal statement 代写:健康计划对旷工的影响

健康计划通常被推荐给组织,因为他们建立员工的健康,这反过来将提高组织的生产力。满足员工健康需求的投资是必不可少的,因为它对员工和雇主都有长期的好处。这些健康计划将帮助员工提高自尊,评估个人健康,采取健康的生活方式行为,轻松处理残疾或疾病,用更好的专业知识管理困难的情况(Bonner, 1990)。更健康的劳动力都是通过这些健康计划创造的。它降低了医疗保健成本,提高了提高盈利能力的可能性。

personal statement 代写:健康计划对旷工的影响

当员工意识到自己很健康时,他们就会自然而然地受到激励,缺席的可能性也会降低。虽然有很多原因让员工缺勤一段时间,这些健康计划改善了组织中不同级别员工之间的联系。相互联系的自由使他们有机会更好地处理更困难的情况,并拥有更有精力和更专注的改进的劳动力(Bonner, 1990)。众所周知,健康的员工在工作中没有缺勤,因为他们意识到,他们的分心会损害他们的个人和职业贡献。


personal statement 代写:健康计划对旷工的影响

Wellness programs are generally recommended to organizations as they build the health of employees which in turn will uplift the productivity of an organization. The investment to fulfill the health needs of an employee is essential due to the fact that it has a long term benefit for the employee as well as employer. These wellness programs would help employees to improve self – esteem, evaluate personal health, adopt healthy lifestyle behaviours, handle disability or illness at an ease and manage tough situations with better expertise (Bonner, 1990). Healthier workforce is all created through these wellness programs. It brings down the health care costs and improves the possibility for higher profitability.

personal statement 代写:健康计划对旷工的影响

When employees realize that they are fit, they are automatically motivated and possibilities for being absent are lesser. While there are many reasons for an employee to stay absent for a period of time, these wellness programs improve the association between different levels of employees in an organization. The freedom to associate with each other gives them the opportunity to handle tougher situations better and have an improved workforce with more energy and focus (Bonner, 1990). Healthy employees are known to work devoid of absenteeism because they realize that their distraction would deteriorate their personal and professional contributions.

On the whole, the impact of such wellness programs is stronger and they guarantee indirect returns to the organization for the investments made. The conflicts of interests are controlled and more scope for productivity is achieved at the end of such program.