







The work of Mucha was seen to be yet another driving force of this art. It is often held that artworks are just as good as the artist and this was evident here. Many commissions were received for artworks at the time. Some of them were even monthly commissions which meant more of the artworks were created during the time. Mucha’s Parisian posters are internationally recognized because of the of his talent. His works in particular are seen to reflect the life in Paris. The posters were famous for the way they reflected modern life. The posters specifically created by Mucha were for biscuits, beer and chocolates etc. The one that is presented above is a work of Mucha created for cigarettes. The person in the picture is a Goddess who is presented in a very decorative style. The motifs were seen to be flamboyant of the culture of Paris and yet it carried the commercial stance that was needed to sell consumer products.


Art Nouveau’s main contribution was mainly focused on bringing better modernization was aimed at modernizing design. The old historical styles were seen to be much common and the contribution of the new art basically was a way to escape the old one. Geometric forms were used in the work that was set the trend for other artists. Artists drew inspiration from organic and geometric forms as well, where they blended what was natural and what was abstract together to give a more blended and balanced structure. Elegant designs were created that resembled looks of plants or stems and flowers.

A combination of elements hence led to this movement. Commercialization such as that for the creation of posters in order to move products was at one end. At another, there was a strong need to move away from the older designs in order to combine better modernistic designs.