


业务必须计划冲突,并且必须致力于解决冲突。对于小型企业来说,冲突可能发生在业务开始时或业务启动并运行之后。考虑在业务开始时发生的冲突。冲突可能是由于土地空间的使用。这种形式的冲突可能是企业和其他反对企业使用特定土地的土地环保主义者之间的冲突,或者是担心环境成本。企业成立后,经营冲突也会继续增加。与供应商在定价方面的问题可能会产生冲突。冲突也可能发生在工作场所的员工身上。根据良好的道德规范和管理实践来解决冲突的适当应急框架是必须的(Ferrell & Gresham, 1985)。


在政策制定中,必须有明确的道德关系规范。大多数研究强调为组织制定长期政策(Holme & Watts, 2000)。小企业必须为长期的可持续性工作制定计划,并相应地提出一项政策。策略可以随时更新,但永远不需要修改。


The business must plan for conflicts and must work on resolving the conflicts as well. Conflicts for small businesses might happen at the time of inception of the business or after the business is up and running. Consider the conflicts that happen at the time of inception of the business. The conflicts could be because of land space use. This form of a conflict could be between business and other land environmentalists who are against the business using a specific land, or who are concerned about environmental costs. Conflicts in operations will also continue to rise after the business is set up. An issue with a vendor over pricing could be a conflict. The conflicts can also happen within employees of the workplace. Appropriate contingency frameworks for resolving conflicts according to good ethics and regulatory practices is a must (Ferrell & Gresham, 1985).


In policy formulation, there must be clear ethical relationship specifications mentioned. Most research emphasizes on having long term policies for the organization (Holme & Watts, 2000). The small business must plan for a long-term sustainability of working and must present a policy accordingly. Policies could be updated from time to time but will never have to be modified.