swot analysis 代写:影响穿过城市的自行车数量的自然因素


swot analysis 代写:影响穿过城市的自行车数量的自然因素


swot analysis 代写:影响穿过城市的自行车数量的自然因素


swot analysis 代写:影响穿过城市的自行车数量的自然因素

Ride sharing has become one of the most important tools towards reducing traffic congestion and emissions. Ride sharing can happen by sharing cars and bikes. While bikes are faster in the sense that they can easily navigate and they are usually fuel efficient and economical for solo riders, they also expose the riders to elements of the atmosphere. Cars, on the other hand, despite being costlier have an added advantage of air conditioners which can effectively shield the passengers from unwanted exposure. With this trade-off, the number of bikes on road on any given day depends as much on climatic factors as on other factors like economic and congestion aspects. This report tries to econometrically analyze the natural factors that influence the number of bikes traversing through the city.

swot analysis 代写:影响穿过城市的自行车数量的自然因素

The variables considered in the analysis include normalized temperature (temp, normalized by dividing with 41), normalized feeling temperature (atemp, normalized by dividing with 50), normalized humidity level (hum, normalized by diving with 100) and normalized wind speed (windspeed, normalized by dividing with 67). These variables were measured for the days for which data on number of bikes hailed for sharing was available. Data was collected from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012. It needs to be noted that the number of bikes is a count variable whereas all the other variables are continuous.