


Receptivity of host towards international student has been identified as a significant component for satisfaction of international student. However, a number of studies across international students in the US have highlighted indifferent and unfriendly host community, with whom there is hard achievement of contact (Zhou and Cole, 13). Racism leads towards affecting both severely, the well- being of community and the well- being of victims. Apart from this, students face additional issues due to lack of preparation regarding how they are being treated, specifically in an environment of major diversity and openness. This results in perpetrating the scope of education.
Racism has had a major effect on the overall well- being of international students living miles away from their home. This involves the carry forward of several implication when strategy interacts, while the events of racism result in the creation of demoralization. There lies a tendency to involve collective defensiveness, with the urgent need to look for safety measures and to strengthen the identified group. Since the last 50 years, the population of international students enrolling in the universities of US has steadily increased, irrespective of certain fluctuations involved. The data according to the Institutive of International Education Open Doors depicts that the United States of America has been hosting international students from every country across the globe (Ejiofo, 22). However, it has been identified as well that international students hold the tendency of bonding together, while having a more meaningful and broader intercultural experience across the campus in comparison with the domestic student, in the lack of any deep engagement with the culture of host country (Lee, 30). There has been identification of highly extensive areas of conflict in academic like styles of learning, independence vs. collaboration, levels of participation and learning.
A number of international students face struggle in looking for the appropriate services and support. There is a major issue of social isolation, under separation from the networks of support and family, and there is adaptation of life across an unfamiliar national background, taking a toll over the mental health of several international students (Christina, 107). The universities and colleges of USA are highly diversified that ever and yet, a number of episodes related to racism keep taking place at alarming rates. The presently unrest events at the Missouri University is just the most recent and high profile case for incidents charged by racism recently. A large population of students marched across the campus of University of California protesting for a one month earlier event in which students were wearing blackface to a fraternity party with the theme of Kanye West (Hiraldo, 7). The leaders of student at the University of Southern California have placed a major demand for actions against a case in which an Indian American had been accosted with a slur of racism, throwing a drink at her.
